
In this chapter you'll find available configuration options.

To set the desired option, write it as it's stated in this documentation changing DHXScheduler to the name of your DHXScheduler instance.

var sched = new DHXScheduler();
sched.Config.xml_date = "%d/%m/%Y %H:%i";
sched.Config.first_hour = 8;
sched.Config.last_hour = 17;
sched.Config.start_on_monday = true;

See available variations of the format string here.

Available configuration options



Sets date format that will be used while specifying dates through API methods (format string variations). Used to parse incoming dates.

Type: string
Default value: ”%d-%m-%Y %H:%i”
Applicable views: all views


If the option is set to true then when you change start event time or date, the end event time and date will be changed automatically in order to make the event duration value equal to 60 minutes.

Type: boolean
Default value: false
Applicable views: all views


stores a collection of buttons resided in the left bottom corner of the lightbox (get details).

Type: DHTMLX.Scheduler.LightboxButtonList
Default value: LightboxButtonList{ LightboxButtonList.Save, LightboxButtonList.Cancel};
Applicable views: all views


stores a collection of buttons resided in the right bottom corner of the lightbox (get details)..

Type: DHTMLX.Scheduler.LightboxButtonList
Default value: LightboxButtonList{ LightboxButtonList.Delete};
Applicable views: all views


Sets the maximum number of events in a cascade. Events that 'exceed' the set value will be drown over the cascade. For more details, see an illustration image (go to the image).

Type: integer
Default value: 4
Applicable views: day, week, units


By default, events scheduled to the same time are displayed one by one. If you want to present such events as a cascade, set the option to true. For more details, see an illustration image (go to the image).

Type: boolean
Default value: false
Applicable views: day, week, units


Sets the left margin for the cascade of events. For more details, see an illustration image (go to the image).

Type: integer
Default value: 30
Applicable views: day, week, units


Activates/disables checking of limits. It has sense to disable this option when you don't set any limits and just make some highlighting or mark the current time - this will increase the performance speed. But if you have some limit set, disabling this option will disable all the 'blocking' methods.

Type: boolean
Default value: true
Applicable views: day, month, timeline, week, units


Moves the 'mark_now' marker to the specified date. The option is available only if the DHXScheduler.Config.mark_now option is set to true.

Type: DateTime
Default value: the current date
Applicable views: day, week


Sets the format for the date in the header of the week and units views (format string variations). For more details, see an illustration image (go to the image).

Type: string
Default value: ”%D, %F %j”
Applicable views: week, units


Allows creating new events by double click.

Type: boolean
Default value: true
Applicable views: all views


Sets the date format using by the templates day_date, week_date, day_scale_date for setting date in the headers of the day, timeline, week, weekAgenda and units views (format string variations). For more details, see an illustration image (go to the image).

Type: string
Default value: ”%j %M %Y”
Applicable views: day, timeline, week, weekAgenda, units


'Says' to use the extended form on new event creation by drag or by double click.

Type: boolean
Default value: true
Applicable views: day, week, units


'Says' to use the extended form on event double click.

Type: boolean
Default value: true
Applicable views: day, week, units


Sets the default background color for the events retrieved by the client-side showEvent() method. Used only in the showEvent() method context.

Type: string
Default value: ”#ffc5ab”
Applicable views: all views


Sets the default font color for the events retrieved by the client-side showEvent() method. Used only in the showEvent() method context.

Type: string
Default value: ”#7e2727”
Applicable views: all views


Defines whether the specified highlighted (marked) time spans should be displayed.

Type: boolean
Default value: true
Applicable views: day, month, timeline, week, units


Allows creating new events by drag-and-drop.

Type: boolean
Default value: true
Applicable views: day, month, timeline, week, units


If the option is set to true then the lightbox can be dragged by the header.

Type: boolean
Default value: true
Applicable views: all views


Allows moving events by drag-and-drop.

Type: boolean
Default value: true
Applicable views: day, month, timeline, week, weekAgenda, units


Allows resizing events by drag-and-drop.

Type: boolean
Default value: true
Applicable views: day, week, units


'Says' to open the lightbox on new event creation.

Type: boolean
Default value: true
Applicable views: all views


Sets the initial duration of an event in minutes.

Type: integer
Default value: 5
Applicable views: all views


Sets the minimum value for the hour scale (Y-Axis). For more details, see an illustration image (go to the image).

Type: integer
Default value: 0
Applicable views: day, week, units


By default, the dhx_terrace skinned scheduler presents the views tabs on the left side. To place the tabs on the right side - set the option to false.

Type: boolean
Default value: true
Applicable views: day, week, units


If the option is set to true then entry fields in the 'Time period' section of the lightbox are blocked and the time period is set to a full day from 00.00 the current cell date untill 00.00 next day.

Type: boolean
Default value: false
Applicable views: all views


stores a collection of icons visible in the side edit menu of the event box. For more details, see an illustration image (go to the image)

Type: DHTMLX.Scheduler.EventButtonList
Default value: EventButtonList{ EventButtonList.Save, EventButtonList.Cancel};
Applicable views: day, week, units


stores a collection of icons visible in the side selection menu of the event box. For more details, see an illustration image (go to the image)

Type: DHTMLX.Scheduler.EventButtonList
Default value: EventButtonList{ EventButtonList.Details, EventButtonList.Edit, EventButtonList.Delete};
Applicable views: day, week, units


Specifies whether events retrieved by the client-side showEvent() method. Used only in the showEvent() method context.

Type: boolean
Default value: true
Applicable views: all views


Sets the format for Y-Axis items (format string variations). For more details, see an illustration image (go to the image).

Type: string
Default value: ”%H:%i”
Applicable views: day, week, units


Sets the height of an hour in pixels. For more details, see an illustration image (go to the image).

Type: integer
Default value: 42
Applicable views: day, week, units


Activates the read-only mode for events.

Default value: false
Applicable views: all views


Sets the maximum value of the hour scale (Y-Axis). For more details, see an illustration image (go to the image).

Type: integer
Default value: 24
Applicable views: day, week, units


Defines the lightbox behavior while opening in the edit mode. The available values are:

  • 'Ask' - before the lightbox is opened a message box alerts and asks the user whether he will edit a certain instance or the entire recurring event.
  • 'Instance' - the lightbox opens straight for editing a certain instance of the event.
  • 'Series' - the lightbox opens straight for editing the entire recurring event.

Type: enum
Default value: 'Ask'
Applicable views:all views


Sets the right border of the allowable date range.

Type: DateTime
Applicable views:day, month, timeline, week, units


Sets the left border of the allowable date range.

Type: DateTime
Applicable views:day, month, timeline, week, units


Sets the maximum and minimum values for the time selector in the lightbox to the values of the last_hour and first_hour options.

Type: boolean
Default value: false
Applicable views: all views


Limits viewing events. If we, for example, set a limit on the 2010 year we can't move to the 2009 year - only 2010 and further

Type: boolean
Default value: false
Applicable views:day, month, timeline, week, units


The maximum width of the google maps popup marker in the map view.

Type: integer
Default value: 300
Applicable views: map


Sets the initial zoom of Google Maps in the map view.

Type: integer
Default value: 1
Applicable views: map


If the locations of events have no latitude and longitude values in the database but this option is set to true then coordinates will be defined automatically while event loading.

Type: boolean
Default value: true
Applicable views: map


Some browsers open up the opportunity to determine your location. And if this option is set to true, such opportunity will be offered while map loading.

Type: boolean
Default value: false
Applicable views: map


Sets the type of Google Maps in the map view.

Possible values:

  • HYBRID - displays a transparent layer of major streets on satellite images.
  • ROADMAP - displays a normal street map.
  • SATELLITE - displays satellite images.
  • TERRAIN - displays maps with physical features such as terrain and vegetation.

Type: enum
Default value: ROADMAP
Applicable views: map


Sets the zoom that will be used to show your location if you agree to a browser offer to show it.

Type: integer
Default value: 15
Applicable views: map


If the option is set to true then the day and week views will have marker displaying the current time. For more details, see an illustration image (go to the image).

Type: boolean
Default value: false
Applicable views: day, week


Sets the format for the header of the month view (format string variations). For more details, see an illustration image (go to the image).

Type: string
Default value: ”%F %Y”
Applicable views: month


Sets the format for the day in a cell of the month and year views (format string variations). For more details, see an illustration image (go to the image).

Type: string
Default value: ”%d”
Applicable views: month, year


Enables rendering multi-day events.

Type: boolean
Default value: false
Applicable views: day, week, units


The property allows working with recurring events independently of time zones. If the option is enabled timestamps of events are stored as UNIX time.
Watch out! The option is intended for 'newborn' schedulers and won't affect already running ones.

Type: boolean
Default value: false
Applicable views: all views


A click on the button opens the edit form for editing the text of the event. Any outside click closes the form and cancels you changes. To prevent this and save any changes made in the form, set the option to true.

Type: boolean
Default value: false
Applicable views: day, week, units


If the option is set to true, the current scroll position is preserved while navigating between dates of the same view (through this panel - ).

Type: boolean
Default value: true
Applicable views: day, week, units


Sets the date format for the 'End_by' field in the 'recurring' details form.

Type: string
Default value: '%m.%d.%Y'
Applicable views: all views


Sets the start value of the hour scale of a view (24h format).

Type: integer
Default value: 0 (i.e. the scale starts from the midnight - 00:00)
Applicable views: day, week, units


Allows you to prevent short events from overlapping. For more details, see an illustration image (go to the image).

Type: boolean
Default value: false
Applicable views: day, week, units


If the option is set to true, server-side dates will be converted from UTC to a local time zone and backward, during sending data to the server.

Type: boolean
Default value: false
Applicable views: all views


'Says' to show a progress/spinner while data is loading (useful for dynamic loading).

Type: boolean
Default value: false
Applicable views: all views


If the parameter is set to true then a week will start from Monday (otherwise, from Sunday).

Type: boolean
Default value: true
Applicable views: month, week, weekAgenda, year


Sets the minumum step (in minutes) for the allowed event's start and end date values, i.e. if time_step=30 the event can start/end only at time multiple of 30 minutes: 8.00, 8.30, 9.00 and so on.

Type: integer
Default value: 5
Applicable views: all views


Enables/disables the touch support in the scheduler.

Type: boolean
Default value: true
Applicable views: all views


Enables/disables prompting messages in the right up corner of the screen.

Type: boolean
Default value: true
Applicable views: all views


Defines the time period in milliseconds that is used to differ the long touch gesture from the scroll gesture. If you set the 0 value, the user won't be able to drag events.

Type: integer
Default value: 500
Applicable views: all views


If the option is set to true, each time when an event is updated, the whole view will be refreshed ( instead of a changed event only). It smooths size re-calculation but results in much more CPU consuming.

Type: boolean
Default value: false
Applicable views: all views


Sets the format for the date in the sub-header of the month view (format string variations). For more details, see an illustration image (go to the image).

Type: string
Default value: ”%l”
Applicable views: month


By default, an event occupies just a part of the cell width and leaves the place for the left-side menu. Set the option to false and events will start to occupy the whole width.

Type: boolean
Default value: true
Applicable views: day, week, units


Sets the date format that is used while converting a string from an XML file into a date object (format string variations).

Type: string
Default value: ”%m/%d/%Y %H:%i”
Applicable views: all views

Illustration images

Cascade mode

Default mode

Cascade mode

Cascade event margin

Day view

Week view

Month view

Event box

Separating short events

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