Terms of Use

(Last updated on May, 21 2012)

By using DHTMLX Scheduler .NET website, you accept the terms and conditions specified herein. In case you disagree to any of these terms and conditions, you are not allowed to use this website. All information provided on this website is protected by the applicable copyright and can’t be reproduced and distributed without our written consent.

Under the license, permission is granted to download trial copies available on DHTMLX Scheduler .NET website only for the purpose of trial and evaluation. You may not modify and copy the provided materials or use them for any commercial or non-commercial purpose, remove DHTMLX copyright and transfer the materials to third parties.

The materials on DHMLX Scheduler .NET website are provided “as is”. Information on this website can be updated by the developer’s decision, and improvements and changes to the product or the website itself can be made at any time without notice. The materials on DHTMLX Scheduler .NET website may have some technical or typographical errors. The developer of Scheduler .NET takes no responsibility for the accuracy of the provided information or likely results, or reliability of the use of the available resources or materials on its website or any other sites linked to DHTMLX Scheduler .NET.

In no event will DHMTLX or its partners be liable to any party for damages or loss of profit arising out of the use of this website and the materials it contains.

The developer hasn’t reviewed all the websites linked to DHTMLX Scheduler .NET website and bears no responsibility for the information that such web-sites may contain. The use of free download packages provided on the websites other than DHTMLX Scheduler .NET is at the user’s own risk.

The terms and conditions set herein can be revised by the developer company at any time without notice. By using DHTMLX Scheduler .NET website you are bound by the current version of the Terms of Use.

Any claim related to DHTMLX Scheduler .NET website shall be governed by the international laws and regulations.